Rachel Walker

Deputy Head of Celebrity & VIP, Marie Curie

Working within charity has been a second career for Rachel, who spent 16 years working in the music industry before moving over to not-for-profit. “I had very transferable skills” she explains. “Getting a film star to a breakfast TV interview on time is not dissimilar to getting a rock band on stage - just with less guitars.”

At Marie Curie, the UK’s leading end of life charity, Rachel amplifies their work through celebrity engagement. “Marie Curie is a historic charity and a hugely loved organisation - it’s an honour to work for them. Our celebrity supporters appreciate how vital the work is, and I enjoy producing new and innovative ways in which they can support us – whether that’s promoting our campaigning work or helping to raise funds. But with celebrity engagement comes reputational risk and this needs to be carefully managed.

In addition to the day job, Rachel is also co-producer of the celebrity-filled podcast On the Marie Couch, which was nominated for a British Podcast Award and awarded two European Lovie Awards, as well as being a Sunday Times Podcast of the Week